
The Storm
As in he storms in on you in the bathroom.
Thunder, unlike the other cats here, lives at my dad’s house instead of my mom’s, so he doesn’t have any cat friends unfortunately.
When we lived at our old house, we used to have a bird feeder. I say used to, because we had to get rid of it when all the birds were getting killed by a cat that started appearing on our porch. That cat was Thunder. Getting rid of the bird feeder did not stop him, he decided to make our porch his hunting ground. He also kept trying to get inside, but my step mom did not want him to. He was very persistent though, so eventually she let him in once. Then a few days later when just me and my dad were home, we let him in. He pretty much immediately decided that sitting on my dad, who absolutely had no desire for a new cat, was the best thing to do at that moment. After that he officially became our cat. We took him in, took him to the vet, found out he was two years old at most, and now he’s part of the family and keeps my step mom company while she works from home.
He was very friendly from the beginning, and seemed to behave like a normal cat, so we assumed he had owners at some point before we took him in.
We let him be an indoor outdoor cat, which meant he of course brought home dead things, but for some reason also kept bringing home rubber things, like bracelets and at one point a phone case. This made us realize that those bracelets and thick rubber bands are the literal best toy for him for some reason. He just throws them around himself and chases them. Weird little man.
He is one of those cats that just does not care about any beds or toys you buy him that are made for cats, and would much prefer a box or a keyboard or someone’s dinner plate. He does not understand that people do not want cats at the dinner table. That or he does not care. Probably both.
Eventually we moved from that house, and brought him with us. When we got to the new house, though, he suddenly was terrified of going outside. That, as well as a neighbor that constantly fails at keeping her dog in her yard, means he just had to become an indoor cat. This house is at least a lot bigger so he’s got room to do things now. More room to fling around rubber bands, at least.
And as a side note, my dad did in fact come around on him. Whenever he gets home from work, Thunder makes sure to greet him and follow him around.
He has a few additional names, mostly coined by my step mom:Thunder Butt, Booty Jenkins, Booboo, and Tunner.