Midas and Halcyon

The Twins
Highly chaotic creatures.
These two orange doofuses are Midas and Halcyon, the two newest additions to our cat family.
Getting these cats was a very weird coincidence. One day during a class at college, one of my Professors, Bove, was asking around, saying that another student, Josh, had found two kitten brothers outside, and wouldn’t be able to keep them. He said that Josh would be bringing the kittens at the end of class, and if anyone wanted them they could have them, and if not, he’d take them home to foster. Now I am a person who could always go for more cats, but I don’t live on my own yet so I can’t just make that decision. I had thought my family also didn’t want to deal with any more cats than we already had, but I still figured it was worth a shot asking. Lo and behold, my mom had apparently been trying to get a new kitten anyway. Yay!
So, Josh brought the kittens to the class, and he let them out for a bit, and they just started running all over, exploring, being cute. I was so excited to see the little orange guys running around. It felt very weird just going to college and suddenly walking out with a carrier with two kittens inside. It was a good weird feeling though.
I got to choose the names for them, and since they were a yellowy orange, I decided to go with gold themed names. Obviously, Midas is named after the King Midas myth, while Halcyon is a word for a “golden age.”
I would say “When they were young, they were very rambunctious and playful,” but that still hasn’t really changed much. Since they got here they’ve always been chasing each other around, climbing up the scratching pole (it’s a support beam in our basement with rope wrapped around it), messing with the other cats, etc. They tend to stick around each other, and sometimes if Halcyon goes downstairs and Midas doesn’t follow, he’ll start meowing till he does. They are a good combination of lovable and not bothersome, though my mom may disagree. They’ll come over and lay on you or rub against you or follow you while you’re walking and purr very loudly when you’re cuddling them, but they don’t often refuse to leave you alone or fight you when you try to love them. At least for me, that is. They don’t purr often around my mom and tend to mess with stuff that matters to her, like the curtains and plants. They also, and mind you I have gotten used to this, will run under your feet to go past you when you go downstairs. My mom has not gotten used to this. It annoys her. I find it cute that they want to be wherever you are.
Aside from being called Midas and Halcyon, they are often called the bad boys(by my mother), Meathead, Meaty, Halseen, Halcy, and, my favorite, Good Boys.
Rest in peace, Good Boy Midas.