
The Shaven One
Too much fur.
Squeakers and Mischief are sister cats, and they belong to my step dad and his kids, and have since before I knew them, so I don’t really know where they came from. I do know that these are not their original names. They are originally Apples and Peaches, and I do not know which is which. At some point they started getting called Squeakers(she doesn’t even squeak) and Mischief, but it took me a while to learn which was which, so I started calling this one Fluffy. Because that's what she is, and it is to everyone’s detriment that she is so.
Her fur is very coarse and thick, so it is constantly getting matted and all stuck together. Because of this, she can get a little flinchy when you pet her, and some things get stuck in her fur. Unfortunately, she does not like to let you shave her. Not one bit. This has not stopped my mother from doing so, but it means she is often walking around with some wonky fur cuts that make her look like a goof. It has to be done though, so oh well.
Squeakers tends to spend most of her time in the basement, which is really just a super big man cave, so now pretty much everything down there is constantly covered in her fur. She sheds… a lot, or at least when she sheds her fur is more noticeable since it is bright white and thick, but alas. We’ve had to cover up the piano/keyboard and the pool table and couches with blankets so they can still be used without getting fur all over you. She used to like to hide in a very specific nook between the top of a shelf and the ceiling but she seems to have decided that’s not comfy anymore. I don’t want to think about how much fur is trapped up there.
Unlike the boys, Squeakers and Mischief don’t hang around each other or us that much. They prefer to spend almost all of their time laying on the back of a couch. Sometimes Squeakers gets in a lovey mood and will not stop until she is laying on your chest, face to face, giving you no personal space. She has no respect. She will be cuddled anyway, though.
When we got the boys, she and Mischief were not pleased. They had to be in separate rooms for a while. Now they mostly don’t mind each other. Squeakers will even play with them sometimes but usually they get on her nerves and she smacks one of them. She used to be the meanest one to them but now she’s the one that is around them the most. And now she is the usual target of Midas’ smack-and-runs. Karma, I guess.