Hello, everyone who managed to look at this website! This is Antwain Rushad Oliver Jr. My class has a Lab Activity where I have to prepare original content (text, images, logo, etc.) At least 500 words per page. Original text, no copy-paste, no AI content, and similar. I have something to admit, and just as a heads up, I'm going to preface this for each of these pages: I'm a simple guy. I don't know how to put a simple image into words, let alone *500*! But trust me. I'll try. I'll go into detail about the scenery, details, places, and such. It might feel repetitive at some points, but I'll try to give notice to even minor details, as well as my life experiences at these areas while taking pictures of them.

Well, the picture of the flags only had a few things to talk about. With all of the other pictures, it's a different story. I must've taken all of these pictures for that photography class. It's where I first learned Photoshop, though only the basics. Then again, that was all I really needed to learn at the time. Photoshop is still hard for me, mostly because I don't use it often. But eventually, I make it work. Hell, I used it for cropping the pictures down for this very website!

With all of that said, now I can get to the main topic: this object. Let's start by describing it. It's old and brown, possibly rusted, and looks like how many geography and history classes decribed "water wells". That could be the case, given how long it's been at the college. Perhaps it was once used for water syphoning, or was just there for decoration, and was never used. Or maybe... it wasn't meanigful in the first place. But those are all theories, and it's possible I could be more than wrong.
This is hurting my head just thinking about it, which is even worse considering I'm describing this picture for a lab assignment. So I'm just going to move on and talk about the details. This is the middle of the pathway set by those flags, and I walk down it almost all the time. To give some perspective, these two paths intersect. The one on the right is the one I take. If you keep going straight, you'll reach the flags. Noss Hall is also to the left over there, if you want to get financial advisary.
Lastly, the time of personalised picture snapping. The trees have lost their leaves, meaning I took this at fall. This was late in the afternoon, and you can tell by the harsh shadows. The light of the sun is also at its peak because it's nearing the "Golden Hour," where the sun shines the brightest before it sets. Whenever I'm at my appartment, and I open the blinds, I accidentally blind myself because I keep forgetting that it's the golden hour. Holy brightness!
Unfortunately, I need at *least* 500 words, as previously established. So I'm just using these last two sentences as an excuse to write the 20 words I have left.