Cortland has been a trip so far. He's two years old and his birthday is July 1st. This guy is so energetic. He's a hunting dog so his nose is constantly going crazy. Cortland is a sweetheart though, he loves being the puppy of the family. Him and Max always would fight for my parents attention, most of the time Cortland won unless he got in trouble that day. Cortland loved trying to jump on the tables and counters looking for food so on any average day he was in no toy timeout. This dog is also extremely dramatic, to the point that it's annoying some days. If you don't give him food or some attention he'll start crying and acting like you despise him.

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We got him in September of 2021 just a couple months after his birthday. Cortland was so small when we first got him, he could fit into one of our cereal boxes. He shares a lot of things with cats which I find to be cute. Ledges and windowsills are a must for him. We have a love seat in our living room that is now owned by Cortland. He will sit on the top of it and watch everything outside the window just to make sure nothing wild is happening. I find it interesting that he doens't bark or get mad at squirrels or other animals when he's inside but the second the door opens he flies to go attack them. He stays very calm and just watches thier movements like he's studying for an upcoming test. Cortland loves to watch stuff no matter what it is. So I've recently started putting on dog tv for him whenever I have to leave the house just so he has some sort of visuals and noise to entertain him while nobody is home to do that.

Cortland is an extremely energetic dog so he needs walked a lot but he's the worst at walking. This dude cannot walk past any dog, child, or baby without freaking out. Cortland isn't aggressive but his yapping defintely scares people which isn't the best look for me as the dog walker. One time we walked by a bunch of mothers and their babies but there was nowhere to turn. I got surrounded by people so Cortland was freaking out. Once his barking started that's when the babies started crying too. Lots of "my bad" and "I'm so sorry" were being thrown around. I try having english conversations with Cortland to tell him he can't act like that but he must not know what I'm saying.

Most of his life has been Max's younger brother so it's been hard to watch him live without Max recently. Max was a fantastic pet and brother to me, but Cortland looked up and learned so much from Max. Now that I'm not home I don't see it as much but my parents say he's been pretty slow and sad recently. We had Max for 14 years so it will take a very long time to move forward with that, but Cortland has extreme anxiety so he needs another sibling. We came to terms pretty fast that we'll need another dog sometime soon but that doesn't mean we're moving on from Max that fast. I'm assuming by his birthday next year we'll have another dog to introduce into the family.