The Hobbies of Antwain Oliver
Hello, everyone. My name is Antwain Oliver. I was born on November 7th, 2002. When I was about 3 years old, my artistry suprised my parents, my dad especially. For example, one of the earliest TV channels I watched was Nickelodeon, and I saw the logo and memorized it enough to learn how to spell it. That little moment really showed that when it came to media (or other certain things that I liked), I could draw it if I liked. But that's only the beginning of my hobbies as an artist.
Spongebob, Sonic, Steven Universe and Power Rangers were shows that I knew, loved, and grew up with back to back. Other the years I'd use my experiences watching not only them, but other media (such as anime from Japan) to finalize my style. This style was incorperated into "Antwain-Kun", my first comic series. (more revealed on the next page...)
For the sake of time, let's just say the comic was messy and unoriginal. I advanced my style and storytelling abilities into something more of my own, and used certain media as *inspiration* rather than copying it. This lead to what I think is the series with the most potential: The Bird Warrior Series ("Tori no Senshi Series").
To finalize, this has been a learning experience for me, and I hope to reach my goal of becoming a famous artist.
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