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Digital Media Technology

Academic College: Science Technology & Business


Content development (web, photography, video, layout, animation and similar digital content) is a popular career filed in multimedia. In print production roles such as Print Production Manager, Estimator, Workflow Coordinator, and Production Scheduler function in, and oversee, the technical processes involved in conventional and digital print production. They would become involved in managing production workflows, timelines, and resource allocation. In marketing and branding, roles such as Brand Strategist, Visual Communication Specialist, and Marketing Coordinator become involved in developing and maintaining visual elements of a company's brand and internal communication strategies. They may also function in visual communication through advertising campaigns, branding, and social media content development.

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View selected projects below. More information can be found at DGMT.

DGMT 2400

Vector Based Graphics: This course focuses on the creation of artwork using vector-based graphics software typically used in the print and digital media field. Students will learn how to create, edit, and output vector-based graphics and their integration with other software for print and digital/web applications.

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DGMT 3310

Web Publishing: This course examines web publishing and what makes an accomplished web designer. Students will design, develop, evaluate, and validate web pages that include HTML language syntax and incorporate elements such as animations, sounds, and video. Students will learn in depth HTML syntax and apply CSS to a webpage’s layout and style. The course is designed to provide the students with 30 hours of lecture instruction and 45 hours of laboratory-based learning per semester

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DGMT 3400

Computer Animation:This course deals with the use of computers to create and animate three-dimensional appearing objects. Topics will include production strategies, basic modeling concepts, rendering, lighting, virtual cameras, and animation. Students will learn the fundamentals in the classroom and apply them in laboratory activities. The course is designed to provide the students with 30 hours of lecture instruction and 45 hours of laboratory-based learning each semester.

Something Something Something

Text to come

Etiam efficitur ex at leo ullamcorper, non pellentesque turpis porttitor. Pellentesque ut dignissim odio. Fusce quis tellus ut est tempus ultricies sit amet ut risus. Nullam ac lorem eu leo scelerisque vestibulum. Proin blandit urna nec ultrices laoreet. Donec accumsan, lectus ac lacinia venenatis, tortor libero pretium felis, vel commodo massa dolor sit amet ex. Praesent id leo in magna iaculis lacinia eleifend ac est. Quisque vitae elit erat. Aenean eu lacus in nunc rutrum maximus. Integer commodo turpis purus, nec eleifend nisl ullamcorper eget.


Work Experience

My complete work history is available on for example on LinkedIn.

Something here


Jan 2020 - Present

Maecenas eget quam in libero aliquam vehicula sit amet vel nisi. Praesent imperdiet posuere purus vel pharetra. Vivamus ullamcorper enim pretium est sodales tristique. Donec consectetur massa nec mauris pulvinar dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vulputate maximus nunc, quis venenatis enim porta eget. In venenatis rutrum sapien, non vulputate erat tempus sit amet. Curabitur ornare mi vel urna venenatis, in aliquam tortor ultrices.



Jul 2014 - Feb 2016

Maecenas eget quam in libero aliquam vehicula sit amet vel nisi. Praesent imperdiet posuere purus vel pharetra. Vivamus ullamcorper enim pretium est sodales tristique. Donec consectetur massa nec mauris pulvinar dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vulputate maximus nunc, quis venenatis enim porta eget. In venenatis rutrum sapien, non vulputate erat tempus sit amet. Curabitur ornare mi vel urna venenatis, in aliquam tortor ultrices.

Key contributions:

  • something
  • something
  • something
  • something


Seneca College - Toronto, Ontario

Webmaster Content Site Design Certificate, 2006

14 week full-time program covering HTML, CSS, Flash, Photoshop, PHP and JavaScript.

York University - Toronto, Ontario

Bachelor of Arts with Honours, 2001-2005

Double Major in Communications & Psychology

San Jose State University - San Jose, California

General Studies, 2000